Hello and Welcome

Saturday 12 August 2017

Welcome everyone to our very own little duo-hobby blog! It’s an idea that the pair of us have been thinking about for a while, as one thing we are always doing is recommending cruelty free products to each other, particularly products within the beauty and cosmetics industry. This initial post is to really give you a brief idea of who we are, a little bit about ourselves and why we’ve started writing this blog. 

We met whilst studying at university, both of us on the Editorial and Advertising Photography course at the University of Gloucestershire, where our course trip to Vancouver saw our friendship begin. As both of us are vegetarians, and we both love food, naturally we sought out good veggie food together whilst we were out there. Which is there in abundance! Along with this mutual interest and our feelings towards animals, came the interest in cruelty free products. This blog is not about starting debate or discussion. We, by no means think that anyone shouldn’t do, buy or eat what they want. This is merely a blog that we are writing for our own sake as we have found it interesting how many affordable, and good quality cruelty free products there are available in the UK. If anyone takes anything from it, then hey, we achieved something! Our reviews and opinions are unbiased, and we give each product a good few weeks, depending on the product and desired results, before we decide on how we found said product. This way we feel we have given it a fair chance, with some products such as skin care, taking slightly longer sometimes to prove themselves. 

Now, you might be wondering about the name we have come up with. Well, there's not a lot to it, other than a mutual love of a good highlighter. We both feel they add that lovely sparkly touch to our make-up routines, both celebrating when we find a new gorgeous shade! We're forever on the search for a good highlighter, always adding more highlighters to our collections. Check out our Who are Sparkle Sisters? page to find out a bit about each of us! Why not follow us both on our personal social media accounts too and keep up to date with our personal lives as well as our product reviews! We look forward to having you here for the ride, and feel free to get in contact should you have any questions or would like any more information about specific products.


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